What Is a Psychoeducational Assessment?
A psychoeducational assessment is a certain kind of psychological assessment that places emphasis on someone who is having difficulties in learning, processing, intellectual, and developmental, memory, and/or achievement areas. It is often used to investigate possible learning disorders and disabilities in reading, writing, and mathematics, as well as issues related to attention problems (ADHD), or even potential giftedness. At Maritime Psychology Clinic, we use a variety of procedures and techniques when doing these assessments.
What to Expect from a Psychoeducational Assessment
An initial clinical interview/consultation occurs with the parents (and possibly the child/adolescent) to discuss their concerns and the child/adolescent’s struggles and strengths. Information is also obtained with regards to relevant developmental, medical, school and family history. Such consultation may take 1-2 sessions. Following this process, recommendations are made regarding what, if any, further assessment is warranted. The length of the evaluation process depends on the complexity and the needs of the case.
Formal Assessment & Testing
Once it has been agreed that a formal evaluation is to occur, the psychologist will schedule individual testing sessions with your child/adolescent. The number of sessions and the length of time for each session will depend on what is being assessed. The tests administered may include measures of your child’s intellectual abilities, academic performance, memory, attention/concentration, emotional and behavioral functioning. Direct observation of the child (ex.: school and/or daycare) may also be part of the assessment. Parents and teachers are asked to complete questionnaires and a review of your child’s report cards and any previous evaluation and/or intervention reports completed by professionals will occur. Telephone contact with the teachers and/or any other involved professional (ex.: physician, psychiatrist, occupational therapist, speech language pathologist, social worker, etc.) may also be necessary.
Once all of this information has been gathered, analyzed and interpreted, a report is written summarizing your child/adolescent’s overall strengths and weaknesses, possible diagnosis, as well as recommendations. This report is presented and discussed with the parents at a scheduled feedback session. The psychologist may also attend a meeting with the parents and members of the school team (if need be); however this is an additional service to the evaluation process.
How Long Will the Assessment Take?
This type of thorough assessment usually takes between 18-20 hours. Currently, we are charging $200.00/hour (the time for consulting, assessing, testing, scoring, interpreting, and writing the report, as well as the feedback session with the parents is all billable). Thus, the total may run between $3,600 and $4,000 (not including the optional feedback session with the school). The estimate regarding the evaluation process is discussed with the parent(s) prior to a final decision being made with regards to whether or not to proceed with a formal assessment.